What is this?

Epistemic commons is the shared access to knowledge and information for the purpose of collective learning and problem-solving. It is composed of both explicit and implicit forms of knowledge that come from collective knowledge networks, which can be open and accessible to anyone. The epistemic commons provides a platform for collaboration, meaning it enables collective approaches to problem-solving by leveraging new combinations of ideas and perspectives. By cultivating a communal atmosphere of collaboration, the epistemic commons contributes to creative, collective problem-solving, paving the way for wider innovation.

See also: collective action, coordination failure, collective intelligence, decision making, network theory

DarkHorse Podcast with Daniel Schmachtenberger & Bret Weinstein 285,486

War on Sensemaking V, Daniel Schmachtenberger 135,606

War on Sensemaking II, Daniel Schmachtenberger 112,711

Saving Civilization: Healthcare, Tech, Democracy (w/Daniel Schmachtenberger) 86,669

rp daily: a conversation that will blow your mind with Daniel Schmachtenberger 68,996

The Power of Gods with Daniel Schmachtenberger S2 [Ep 16] 47,539

How To STEER Civilization Away From CATASTROPHE with Daniel Schmachtenberger | Aubrey Marcus Podcast 43,890

Crucial Risks & Opportunities from COVID-19 | Daniel Schmachtenberger 33,876

Social media is a democracy killer (Daniel Schmachtenberger & Bret Weinstein) 26,286